How Shoes Should Fit
Physical Therapists support the US Surgeon General’s recommendation that adults 18 or older need a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five or more days a week to be healthy. Children and teens need 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Walking is an easy way to accomplish your daily exercise and having the correct shoes can help.
- The insole should match the arch of your foot.
- The sole should be made from a foam material for cushioning and it should bend at the forefoot rather than the midfoot.
- The heel should be made from a foam material to provide shock absorption.
- Breathable materials such as leather and cotton canvas are preferable to synthetics or plastic.
- The toe box should provide plenty of wiggle room for the toes in both depth and width.
- The heel grip should hold the heel snugly in place. A padded cuff at the top opening may provide a firmer grip and cause less friction on the skin.